Scripture, Experience, Tradition, Reason and More enter into the sacred conversation to better understand God, ourselves, the world, and the connection between us all. 


At Hiram Christian Church, we take a generous approach to faith formation. 

We host Sunday school for children and adults on Sunday mornings prior to worship. We honor life experiences and the wisdom and grace of traditions. We honor reason, logic, and science, and see them as essential to the sacred conversation of what it means to be human. And, we hold a humility in conviction that we may listen to one another and our neighbors, and receive of new experiences and new wisdom that always breaks into our lives. Whether you are growing within the tradition as you received it, questioning and deconstructing what you inherited to discover something richer, you are welcome with all of your convictions, your doubts, your questions, your faith.


Exploring the stories of our faith through pageantry and creativity.

Exploring the stories of our faith through pageantry and creativity.

Congregational Study with Mantua Center Christian Church.

Congregational Study with Mantua Center Christian Church.
